So we are doing a thing. KSAGG, Krull Siblings Annual Gathering of Gamers formally Krull Sisters A-Go-Go (that was all Aaron!) is in it’s 5th year. This year we decided to try something and go big. We are hosing a 3 day Battletech Only event at Gamezenter December 6-8th. To my understanding this is the first of it’s kind outside of the KerenskyKons. I am saying first of it’s kind in that we are running multiple events over multiple days. Call it a mini convention! We are so excited to be trying this and seeing everyone. Information about KSAGG can be found here!
Drafted For War
I have been helping out a fellow agent get some rules around running a blind draft tournament. Check out the page Drafted For War to check it out.
AS350 Tournament Rules UPDATE
So, as with all things, change happens. It is awesome when the MUL adds Battle Armor squads and also makes them faction specific.
v2.1 has been release with some further clean-up, clarification, and some slight changes.
AS350 Tournament Rules v2.0
So today has been a year in the making. With the release of our initial ruleset for Alpha Strike 350 Tournament Rules we have run a dozen or more tournament overseeing 400+ Alpha Strike games and through that we have taken all we have learned and enhanced our ruleset to v2.0
Major changes include:
- Your Army must now follow a Faction and Era of the players choosing
- 3 Additional Scenarios
- Battle Armour Squad Restrictions
- A couple of additional Army Construction limitations
We are looking forward to continue the playtesting and journey we are on. We are thankful for all the brave souls that have jumped on the train and are enjoying this as much as we are.
New rules can be found here.
WNRP Ep. 47: Drivers Ed with Ryan Peterson
Man I suck and staying current with this…
Today we sit down and chat up Camp Specs Artist B1BFlyer otherwise known as Ryan Peterson! Talk about painting, techniques, the Camo Specs artist, dioramas, gencon, and much more. Plus in the second half the gang goes over some of the big news that happened earlier this month.
History Brief 1:03:30
Cast Members
Host: Matthew “Bloodbath” Behrens
Co Host: Andrew “Minnow” Krull
Co Host: Charles “Loremaster” Gideon
Co Host: Aaron “Coach” Krull
Special Guest: Ryan “B1BFlyer” Peterson
Be sure to check out our Wolfnet Radio Apparel store at
Also be sure to follow us on our Facebook Page, Youtube Channel, and also join our Patreon.
Alpha Strike 350 Rules and Tools can be found at
This Episode is proudly sponsored by Aries Games and Miniatures. You can find everything you need for your Battletech addiction at

WNRP Ep. 36: Unicorns are great w/ Aaron Cahall
Just in time for Kaji’s Birthday!!!
The Gang is Joined by Assistant Line Developer, writer and editor for Battletech… Aaron Cahall! We deep dive into what it’s like behind the scenes at Catalyst Game Labs and the Battletech universe.
Plus a little discussion about Gencon and the Battlebarn
Cast Members
Host: Matthew “Bloodbath” Behrens
Co Host: Andrew “Minnow” Krull
Co Host: Aaron “Coach” Krull
Co Host: Thomas “Silent C Raven” Kruger
Co Host: Charles “Loremaster” Gideon
Special Guest: Aaron Cahall
History Brief @ 1:23:30
Battlebarn @ 2:35:00
Be sure to check out our Wolfnet Radio Apparel store at
Also be sure to follow us on our Facebook Page, Youtube Channel, and also join our Patreon.
Alpha Strike 350 Rules and Tools can be found at
This Episode is proudly sponsored by Aries Games and Miniatures. You can find everything you need for your Battletech addiction at

WNRP Ep. 35: A Grognard walks into a bar……
Today a very special guest joins us, Mark Tippett, affectionately known as Uncle Mark. He has been playing Battletech since the early 80’s and has built up quite a collection over the years. He joins us on this episode to take a stroll through memory lane and talk about some of the new things coming up in the Battletech Universe!
Cast Members
Host: Matthew “Bloodbath” Behrens
Co Host: Andrew “Minnow” Krull
Co Host: Aaron “Coach” Krull
Co Host: Thomas “Silent C Raven” Kruger
Special Guest: “Uncle” Mark Tippett
History Brief @ 1:20:00
Be sure to check out our Wolfnet Radio Apparel store at
Also be sure to follow us on our Facebook Page, Youtube Channel, and also join our Patreon.
Alpha Strike 350 Rules and Tools can be found at
This Episode is proudly sponsored by Ares Games and Miniatures. You can find everything you need for your Battletech addiction at

House Marik 350 Army List

For the next entry in the House 350, I’m going to pick my favorite faction. The almighty House Marik, with their Awesomes, Wolverines, Shadow Hawks, and screaming fast Locusts. Seriously, if you cannot land back shots with that Locust every turn, you are doing things wrong. 😉 Once again, the vehicles and infantry are handled the same way as the other House armies, but do not underestimate the Harassers and the Phalanxes. They will mess a bad guy up at short range. A bad guy being anyone who is not Marik of course. Though Kuritans and Liaos can be honorary good guys depending on the time frame. 🙂 I do hope you enjoy this little list. I can be fun to play with.
Awesome 9M
Shadow Hawk 5D
Wolverine 7K
Locust 6M
Harasser Missile Platforms
Harasser Missile Platforms
Phalanx Battle Armor D
Phalanx Battle Armor D
Maxim Heavy Hover Transport (Clan)
Maxim Heavy Hover Transport (Clan)
Heavy Hover APC
Heavy Hover APC
Heavy Infantry Heavy Urban Response Platoon, 608th Lyran MTR, 3rd Lyran Guards
Heavy Infantry Heavy Urban Response Platoon, 608th Lyran MTR, 3rd Lyran Guards
Recon Infantry Recon Battalion, 201st Pesht Assault Team, 3rd Proserpina Hussars